It’s becoming harder for merchants to connect with customers through the introduction of online and franchise stores. This is huge as it makes it nearly impossible for sellers and buyers to have a long-lasting, trust-filled relationship. Surprisingly many merchants, retail outlets and corporations are accepting this loss of trust as a necessary part of our digital world. This conclusion is both dangerously and incorrectly attributed to us Digital World.

Without developing relationships between product-consumer, especially with products like household items, companies are more likely to reduce their prices in an effort stay competitive. It is impossible for anyone to win when price is the only thing that matters.

The best way to thrive and adapt to a changing world, just like any other change in life is to embrace it. Smart marketers are not looking to blame new media and technologies for the loss or intimacy. Instead, they are actively using the new concepts to increase the customer-product connection. Digital signs at the point where a customer purchases a product or service can help them establish and keep that relationship. The best example would be a coffeeshop or fast food place with a drive thru window.

A customer may pull up in a drive-thru window at any of the fast food chains. She is hungry and intends to purchase a sandwich, soda and coffee to get through the day. While she waits to place her order, a digital display distracts her. As she watches the short commercial that features the founder of the company describing their current family-meal deal, she realizes that her cooking skills are not required. So, instead of grabbing a sandwich, she opts to order the family meal deal. A personal connection was just made and an upsell has occurred.

Digital signs are just one example of the many effective, yet less visible, mediums smart retailers, food service firms, and other corporations have used to recreate that intimate connection of yesteryear. While it is becoming harder to retain the warm fuzzy feeling that is elicited by a brand’s favorite product, innovative companies are discovering surprisingly easy ways to do this.



Categories: Business